Monday 2 November 2009


At the beggining of the lesson we watched a few slides about different artists of typography and also, we took a lot of information about keywords of typo which seemed to be very important for the progress of our projects.
Two of these keywords were Type and Fonts.
I enjoyed this workshop a lot, because it was something different from what I have learned so far.
I also started a project about the crossbar of the letter F.
The whole idea came up when I took a guideline called "The anatomy of a Typeface".

As you can see, on this paper I had every detail that I needed in order to decide and start creating my own project.

So, as I said before I was interested in the crossbar of the letter F.
I drew three different fonts of the letter F and I started observing the differences on the crossbars.
This project hasn't finished yet, but so far it seems to be very interesting and I will definitely keep working on it the next few days.

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